David's BlogFriday, September 26, 2014Bringing Candidate Debates to DuluthIt is an ambitious undertaking to schedule and host political candidate debates. The challenge is amplified when the debates involve high profile, major campaigns for the U.S. Senate, the U.S. Congress and the Minnesota Governor. It was a challenging endeavor to have the candidate campaign teams agree to a time, venue and format for the debates. I suspect these truths contributed to why there will be only one local debate for each one of the following races: Senator Al Franken and Republican challenger Mike McFadden; Congressman Rick Nolan, Republican Party challenger Stewart Mills and Green Party challenger Ray Sandman; as well as Governor Mark Dayton and Republican Party challenger Jeff Johnson. The Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce and the Duluth News Tribune met the challenge of arranging for the debates. We are pleased and proud to be cohosting these remarkable gatherings. We will do so at 8:00 a.m., at the Duluth Playhouse Theatre, on these dates:
October 1 – U.S. Senate, State of Minnesota
October 7 - U.S. Congress, 8th Congressional District
October 14 – Minnesota Governor
Earlier this month, the Chamber accepted registrations to
attend the debates.
Community members responded quickly to this unique
opportunity to spend time with the candidates. We rapidly reached our attendance
capacity. This strong interest in learning more about the candidates reinforced
Duluth’s reputation as a politically savvy and engaged community.
The Tribune, the Chamber, and our friends from the local broadcast community
are marshalling our resources to make these timely and valuable debates
available to you. It is now up to you to access the debates through the
Tribune, or through the television and radio providers of your choice. Please
watch for broadcast-related announcements to be made prior to the debates or
inquire with your favorite media outlets.
This is an exciting opportunity to tune in and stay informed.
In support,
![]() David Ross, President & CEO
posted by David Ross
1:30 PM
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