David's BlogMonday, January 28, 2013Heed This Sign: Last Chance
Please Heed This Sign:
Chamber's leadership is, once again, advocating on your behalf. Yet, we
need you to join us in having your voice heard. If you have interest in
knowing what will change in the proposed City of Duluth sign code
(ordinance), join me:
Thursday, February 7, 2013
3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Duluth City Hall, Room 303
Hamre, the City's Director of Planning & Construction Services,
will provide us the details. Keith will also ask us for our feedback. In
the days that follow our February 7 meeting, the Duluth City Council
will most likely approve into law the new sign ordinance. So, this will
be our last chance to impact what is included in the updated sign code.
comments will help the City's decision-makers better understand the
business community's viewpoint on both the existing sign code and the
proposed sign code. I encourage you to attend the meeting if you are
wondering, "Do I have to change my sign because of the new regulations?"
Or, "What must I do now if my sign was put up without a permit?"
applaud Keith Hamre and the Duluth City Councilors for providing us
with this final opportunity to better understand, and have input into,
the proposed sign code.
Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. I can be reached at dross@duluthchamber.com or 740-3751.
In unwavering support,
posted by David Ross
10:30 AM
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