David's BlogMonday, December 14, 2015Thank You, Jeff Foster![]()
One way Duluth can remain enticing is by offering citizens and
visitors vistas and structures that embody community pride and optimism for the
future. The Lakewalk is such a place. The AMSOIL Arena is such a building.
Bayfront Park and, now, Pier B, are such places.
Unfortunately, the former composite board manufacturing plant,
which is often referred to as the Superwood Plant, is not such a place. The
site has been dormant since Georgia-Pacific shuttered it in 2012. This
abandoned 19 acre manufacturing site is on full display for travelers on
Interstate 35 who pass within a few feet of the property.
This dormant, darkened manufacturing site has been the
antithesis of what a vibrant community should display. It has been an unwelcome
reminder of the hardship and decline that occurred within our community in the
1970's, when unemployment reached 16%. This is when manufacturing plants,
located in Duluth, were routinely left to decay. U.S. Steel closed its doors in
1971. Other manufacturing businesses in our western neighborhoods also boarded
up windows and went dark.
The vacant Georgia Pacific site is to Duluth what Jacob Marley
was to Ebenezer Scrooge - the Ghost of Christmas Past. Yet, the story of A
Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens, has a triumphant, happy
ending. So, too, does the story of the unoccupied Georgia Pacific site.
A few weeks ago, the Duluth News Tribune notified our community
that Jeff Foster, the owner of Jeff Foster Trucking, purchased the Georgia
Pacific site. This is energizing and uplifting news.
Jeff Foster is a community treasure who, for decades, has
brought investment, jobs and optimism to our Twin Ports. He is a hometown kid
who, because of this hard work, guts and tenacity, has become a wildly
successful business owner. Jeff will make a glory of the site. We can look
forward to seeing activity, jobs and investment returning to this land of
So, the next time we are driving on Interstate 35, and pass by
what is now the Jeff Foster site, let's tip our hat, or our winter cap, to Jeff
Foster. He is our neighbor and friend who is investing his time and treasure in
revitalizing this industrial site. Thank you, Jeff Foster.
In support,
posted by David Ross
8:04 AM
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