David's BlogMonday, September 21, 2015Join us at the Candidate Forums
We are in the height of Duluth's political calendar. The primary
election polling occurred last Tuesday. The general election ballot will
be taken November 3rd. At this time of year, hardly a day goes by
without someone asking me, "Who is the Chamber endorsing for mayor?"
Their questions afford me an opportunity to inform them that the
Chamber does not endorse candidates. Rather, we provide opportunities
for our members to get to know the candidates and to better understand
candidate positions on issues important to our business community. Our
role is one of educating and informing, rather than specific candidate
With this as our motivation, we are excited to host timely, convenient and respectful Candidate Forums, as follows:
These forums will be held at 8 a.m., in the Underground Theatre, located in the Historic Duluth Depot, 505 West Michigan Street. Doors will open at 7:30 a.m. We will conclude the forums by 9:30 a.m. The Chamber is delighted to partner with the Duluth News Tribune to host the forums. We have partnered with the Tribune for the past six years. The Tribune team has done an excellent job of promoting and co-hosting several high profile candidate forums, including last year's Gubernatorial, Senate and Congressional candidate forums. Additionally, it is an ideal opportunity to experience the Underground, the Duluth Playhouse's newest event space. The mission of the Underground is to serve as a community meeting place for culture and conversation, for arts and education. The Chamber and the Tribune appreciate having this valued community partner offer such an attractive platform for our forums. This is your chance to hear from those who will be representing you. I hope you will join us at these forums to gain insight into the views and positions being advanced by the candidates. Join me and learn more about the candidates who hope to be in a position to move our beloved Zenith City forward.
David Ross, President & CEO
posted by David Ross
7:30 AM
Friday, September 11, 2015
Visitors to Duluth
August 31, 2015
is a feeling that most Duluthians have experienced. It is the pride and the
excitement we feel when we have the privilege of welcoming visitors to our
beloved community. We become even more excited when our guests are already
delighted to be visiting Duluth and already effusive when expressing their love
for our community.
weekend, I had the honor of welcoming to Duluth leaders from the Pheasants
Forever and Quail Forever organization. These leaders could have met anywhere
in in our great nation. The organization includes 700 chapters from across the
country. Yet, they chose to gather in our beloved Duluth.
traveled from far and wide to gather on the shores of the Greatest of the Great
Lakes. Some of them traveled to Duluth by plane. And, oh, were they impressed
by our shiny new airport.
traveled here on Interstate 35 where they experienced the transformative view
of our Shining City on the Hill as they reached the crest in the freeway, near
Spirit Mountain. They spoke of how breathtaking the view was as they enjoyed
the long panoramic glide into the heart of Duluth.
met with these leaders shortly after they had settled into the meeting space
they chose, located in our vibrant Canal Park. The group was clearly pleased to
be in Duluth. Their questions illustrated how highly they regarded the positive
transformation they believed was occurring in Duluth. A few were familiar with
the Duluth of the 1970s and 1980s. They indicated how dramatically improved
this revitalized Duluth was in comparison to the Duluth they experienced in
past decades.
time with these enthusiastic visitors afforded me insight into how Pheasants
Forever has been working hard to create the next generation of
hunter-conservationists. In turn, these leaders appreciated learning that the
Duluth Area Chamber is actively engaging young professionals in moving our
community forward. They were also pleased to learn that the 20 to 30 year old
population segment of our community is expanding faster than any other age
There is a wonderful reward to
welcoming visitors to Duluth. Drawing attention to our community's compelling
features allows us to see our community through the eyes of individuals who are
experiencing Duluth's uniqueness and attractiveness. We are able to see,
afresh, this remarkable place that is our home.
In support,
posted by David Ross
11:24 AM
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