David's Blog

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Chamber Supports Duluth Public Schools Education Levy

The Chamber seeks to fortify Duluth as a vibrant and compelling community. We recognize the health of our beloved community and the health of our public schools are inextricably related.

With this as our realization and our motivation, the Chamber's leadership unequivocally supports: 1) the renewal of the current education levy, and 2) the increase in local education funding by $1.8 million. We support voting "yes" to both education levy questions on the November 5 ballot.

  Earlier this week, the Chamber's board of directors assembled at the entrance of a local community treasure and landmark, the Old Historic Central High School. It was the ideal place to announce our support of the education levy. Our ancestors graciously gave much of their limited community resources to support Duluth's public schools. This included building remarkable facilities like the architecturally stunning Central High School in 1892 and the majestic Denfeld High School in 1926. The Chamber's leadership applauds those who gave so much to build Duluth's public school system. By passing the upcoming education levy, our generation will contribute to this investment in our schools.  

Passage of the education levy will: reduce class sizes, fund strategies to increase student achievement, and allow for a much needed update to the curriculum. These are the educational priorities our community recently identified through the visioning sessions led by Superintendent Gronseth.

Duluth competes on a national scale to recruit and retain businesses and talent. Business owners, employees and their families consider and value the quality of our public school system. These educational enhancements will better prepare students for personal and occupational achievement.

Attractive, strong schools strengthen neighborhoods and enhance the value of residential and business properties. Neighborhoods, businesses and investments are fortified when our school system is strong.  

Duluth's schools are training our future local workforce. A well-educated workforce is critical to the viability of our local businesses. Our students' success is our community's success.
Lastly, we support the education levy because we have confidence in Superintendent Bill Gronseth. The Chamber's leadership will continue to maintain a candid and productive conversation with Superintendent Gronseth and his team. We will routinely inquire regarding the tangible progress realized as a result of the levy.  We trust the School District's leadership will honor the stated use of the education levy resources.

We encourage our Chamber members and all Duluth residents to join us in moving our public schools and community forward by voting "yes" to both education levy questions on the November 5 ballot.
David Signature

David Ross, President & CEO

posted by David Ross at

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