David's Blog

Friday, September 27, 2013

Bringing Back a Community Beacon

The six-story, lighted tower marquee that fronted Duluth's NorShor Theatre will soon rise again to serve as a beacon reclaiming and heralding the spiritual center of our beloved Historic Downtown. For decades, the 64-foot-tall tower served as an iconic landmark that was visible for dozens of miles. Ships sailing the Greatest of the Great Lakes used it as a navigational tool. Well, maybe this navigational tool stuff is a wee bit of an exaggeration.

Yet, it would be nearly impossible to exaggerate the positive impact the NorShor Theatre had on our cherished Zenith City since it first was opened in the early 1900's. The theatre majestically weathered the storms swept in off Lake Superior, as well as the economic storms our community endured during the past 100 years.

It is truly inspiring and heart warming to know that this local treasure will soon be restored to its grandeur as a center for arts and entertainment. The new NorShor will aid in bringing additional investment and vitality to the east end of our Historic Downtown. It will provide a much needed, midsized arts and entertainment venue in the heart of our community. I am confident it will once again be a regional destination.

George Sherman is the ideal person to lead this restoration. I place my full faith in this talented and conscientious leader. He and his gifted colleagues at Sherman Associates have a proven record of success returning historic landmarks back to their original vitality. Knowing that the leadership team at The Duluth Playhouse will manage and operate the theatre is also cause for optimism and excitement.

The NorShor has been dark too long. There is a place for its tower within Duluth's breathtaking night skyline. I will keep my eye on the horizon and wait for the night when, once again, the six-story lighted marquee tower brightly proclaims the reopening of the NorShor. Let's get ready to celebrate.
David Signature

David Ross, President & CEO

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