David's BlogFriday, August 30, 2013Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters
The theory of
retributive justice is common to most cultures throughout the world. It
is evident in many ancient texts, illustrating that it has stood the
test of time. Its premise is that punishment, if proportionate, is the
best response to crime. Retribution should be distinguished from
vengeance because it is directed only at wrongs. It is not personal. It
involves no pleasure at the suffering of others.
more colloquial interpretation of the theory conveys the old wisdom
that "What one sows, one must reap." Said differently, each of us
receives accordingly to what we have earned.
week, the City of Duluth's legal staff pursued in court the civil
nuisance case it has against Jim Carlson, the owner and operator of The
Last Place on Earth. This case began one month after a July 19 court
order temporarily closed Jim Carlson's store.
addition to last week's nuisance trial, Jim Carlson is concurrently
facing nine drug charges in St. Louis County Court. Next month, he will
appear in federal court to face the fifty-five charges against him. Jim
Carlson recently stated in a newspaper interview, "I pretty much get up
in the morning and talk to attorneys. Then I spend all afternoon talking
to attorneys. Then I talk to attorneys some more."
owners and operators of businesses located in our beloved Old Downtown,
in close proximity to The Last Place on Earth, place our full faith in
our judicial system. The Duluth Area Chamber is one of these businesses.
We are confident that local, state and federal officials entrusted to
enforce our laws will ensure the level of punishment is scaled relative
to the severity of the offending behavior.
must admit, however, that I am encouraged by the powerful visual evoked
by Martin Luther King, Jr. when he implored," Let justice roll down
like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream."
these court cases are being considered and while the Last Place on
Earth is closed, we can delight in the revitalization of our Old
Downtown. Crime is down. Sales are up for neighboring businesses.
Sidewalk conversations and window shopping have returned to our
community's spiritual main street, Superior Street.
you haven't visited us lately, it is an ideal time to join in this
quiet celebration that is occurring. Our business neighborhood is
returning to its vibrant, safe former self.
David Ross, President & CEO
posted by David Ross
1:39 PM
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