David's Blog

Monday, July 29, 2013

Support the Businesses that Support Spirit Valley Days

It is Duluth's biggest neighborhood festival. There is something fun and compelling for everyone. It includes: a classic car show, a parade, a 5K walk/run, music in the park, stage shows, children's games, a Miss West Duluth Pageant, and a raucous street dance.

The center of this rollicking entertainment is Grand & Central Avenues - the heart of beautiful Spirit Valley in Duluth's historic West Duluth. It is a remarkable gathering place situated at the intersection of a proud, resilient neighborhood and a thriving, benevolent business community.

If you are truly in the spirit for Spirit Valley Days, you will begin the celebration Wednesday, July 31 and participate until Sunday, August 4. It is a four-day extravaganza. In recent years, I have truly been in the spirit for Spirit Valley Days. It is a celebration I look forward to and enthusiastically participate in and support. It is about as much fun as this uptight, aging, chamber guy can handle.

My appreciation for Spirit Valley Days is heightened because I am proud of the many businesses that so graciously sponsor the celebration. Several of these businesses are also members of the Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce. Without fanfare, these Chamber members fund several of the activities, attractions and venues that make this gathering enjoyable. They include: Super One Foods & Super One Liquor, Members Cooperative Credit Union, Waste Management, Duluth Budgeteer News, Duluth Business University, Anytime Fitness, US Bank, Solutions Insurance Agencies, Andren's Paint Company, Tortoise & Hare Footwear, the Jamar Company, Susan Coen State Farm Insurance, and Mr. D's Bar & Grill.

Businesses add to the gathering by participating as food venders and arts & crafts venders. They also encourage their customers and clients to attend Spirit Valley Days.

Spirit Valley Days is a wonderful example of how volunteers, businesses, participants and supporters can join forces to host and enjoy a remarkable neighborhood celebration.

I hope you will join me at Spirit Valley Days. It is an ideal opportunity to experience a strong sense of place and community. For these four days, we all can be from West Duluth and we can all be Denfeld Hunters.
David Signature

David Ross, President & CEO

posted by David Ross at

Monday, July 01, 2013

Choose Duluth

Duluth's economy is thriving. It appears our beloved community has adroitly melded our working, industrial port heritage with a new entrepreneurial culture. It is a synergy that is creating opportunity for our community members and for future Duluthians.

Businesses, companies and corporations are making massive private investments in our community. Altec HiLine, ME Global, Enbridge, AAR, and maurices are expanding and, while doing so, bringing hundreds of new jobs to our Zenith City.
This investment is allowing Duluth to keep our unemployment rate lower than the state average and the national average. This is a remarkable and energizing reversal of Duluth's fortunes. We have come a long way since the 1980's when our unemployment rate was the highest in Minnesota.
The good news continues. Duluth is cultivating and supporting the most recent generation of entrepreneurs. They are choosing Duluth, in part, because they are striving in our authentic and adventurous city.
More jobs and opportunities are on Duluth's breathtaking horizon. For the first time in decades, Duluth will soon have a wave of career job openings. Baby Boomers are in the twilight of our careers. There will soon be thousands of job openings in: healthcare, education, government, utilities and business services as my generation of Boomers retire. While this evolution is not unique to Duluth, it represents a unique opportunity for Duluth.
In the past, it was the lack of jobs in Duluth that kept hundreds of would-be Duluthians from making the pilgrimage to our Shining City on the Hill. The jobs are now available. It is time for your family members and your friends to see Duluth for what is has become - the land of opportunity.
In stark contrast to our revitalization - Suburbia is dying. There is a migration back to the urban core cities and back to the cities of heritage and distinction and natural beauty. Duluth enjoys all of these distinctions. We are a community that offers world class natural assets. Mayor Ness is intent on staking our claim as one of the world's premier urban outdoor adventure cities.
Outdoor Magazine has discovered Duluth. The magazine ranked our city as one of the Top 10 places to live in the United States. Additionally, it recently identified Duluth as the second best outdoor adventure hub in the entire world. I am confident you will join me in forgiving Outdoor Magazine for not naming us as the best outdoor hub.
Duluthians have a profound connection to our hillside home. We also have a deep emotional connection to Lake Superior, the Greatest of the Great Lakes. It is this natural beauty that so beautifully complements our world-class healthcare, excellent educational opportunities, strong and safe neighborhoods, affordable housing. It is a rare community that offers all of these things.

In conclusion, a creative and engaged culture has been reborn in Duluth. Our deep working class roots have united with a progressive spirit to create a distinct blend of loyalty, pride and optimism. Visitors can witness it. Yet, to truly experience this compelling spirit, one must live amidst this remarkable topography. So, tell your family and friends who are not yet Duluthians to make their move. Now is the time. Tell them it is an ideal time to choose Duluth.

David Signature

David Ross, President & CEO

posted by David Ross at

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