David's Blog

Monday, April 08, 2013

Grow Younger Together

Imagine this scene...you are at a Chamber gathering one morning when a longtime friend approaches you, looks around to survey who is in earshot of her message, leans forward and whispers, "I know how you can learn to live strong, fit and sexy until you are 80 years old and beyond. In fact, I know how you can be younger next year."

I suspect your friend would have your undivided attention. My friend, Bill Burns, had my undivided attention last month when he shared with me the insight he had recently gained by reading the blockbuster book, Younger Next Year - A Guide to Living Like 50 Until You're 80 and Beyond.

Believe me when I tell you, that after talking with Bill, I ran to the Duluth Public Library to check out the book. I was highly motivated to learn the lessons presented in this remarkable book. I am equally motivated to have as many Chamber members as possible also gain from this insight.

We can learn together. We can grow younger together. We can begin this wonderful journey of discovery:  Thursday, April 11th, at 7:00 p.m., Symphony Hall, at the DECC.

The book's author, Chris Crowley, will present what promises to be a motivational talk that will convey the essence of his book. He will do so with the passion, optimism, eloquence and humor that have made him a best selling author.

This event is free and open to the public. This is because the gathering is made possible by the following community treasures: Essentia Health, Minnesota Power, maurices, Patricia Francisco LTCP, the City of Duluth's Bridge to Wellness, and the Duluth News Tribune. These sponsors understand and appreciate how powerful this message can be for our beloved community. They understand how the insight and the inspiration we receive at this gathering can transform and lift up our Zenith City one individual and one family at a time.

I hope you will join us April 11th at our community's gathering place - the DECC.  Let's see if we can turn back our biological clocks and continue to live with vitality and strength into our eighties and beyond.
Please invite family members, coworkers and friends to join you.

David Signature

David Ross, President & CEO

posted by David Ross at

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