David's Blog

Friday, March 08, 2013

Encouraging Conversation with Governor Dayton

Governor Mark Dayton released his proposed State of Minnesota budget and tax reform plan on January 22, 2013. His plan sets the stage for legislative decisions on how to balance Minnesota's anticipated budget deficit for 2014 and beyond.

To his credit, Governor Dayton has consistently asked the citizens of Minnesota to provide him and his administration with feedback on his proposed budget. He concurrently solicited suggestions regarding how to fix Minnesota's chronic structural budget deficit problem. Additionally, Governor Dayton specifically invited business owners and operators to share with him the impact that his proposed tax reform will have on their businesses.

Thankfully, a few of our Chamber members have taken him up on his offer. They have responded to this invitation to have their voice heard at the Capitol. They have also shared their story with our local representatives serving in the Minnesota Senate and the House of Representatives. These Chamber members have taken action. I appreciate and applaud their willingness to get involved. By providing Governor Dayton with the specific consequences of his budget, they are enabling him to see the detailed, tangible outcome of his proposed actions.

Lobbyists, special interest groups, and representatives from various associations are doing what is assumed of us at the Capitol - striving to influence the Governor on behalf of our clients and members. Yet, our messages were largely anticipated and predictable. I suspect the impact of our attempt to influence is, correspondingly, muted.

There is a more powerful and compelling way to go about influencing the Governor. This is where you come in. There is strength and authenticity in direct communication between you and the Governor. If you feel strongly about what the Governor is proposing - tell him so. Let him know how his proposed plan will impact you and your business on Woodland Avenue or in beautiful Spirit Valley.

Governor Dayton can be reached by telephone at 651.201.3400 or 800.657.3598 or by email at mark.dayton@state.mn.us. His mailing address is: Office of the Governor, 130 State Capitol, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155.

If you share your story with the Governor; I hope you will also send me a copy of your communication. This is where the Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce comes in. We can partner with you to reinforce with the Governor what you are asking of him. I can be reached at 218.740.3751 or dross@duluthchamber.com.

Together, we can ensure Governor Dayton is fully aware of how his actions and initiatives impact those of us who work and reside in our beloved Zenith City.

David Signature

David Ross, President & CEO

posted by David Ross at

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