David's Blog

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lifting Up One Business, One Family at a Time

A recent article in our outstanding community newspaper, the Duluth News Tribune, highlighted the twelve new stores, restaurants and bars that recently opened in downtown Duluth. The article pointed out that these new businesses provide us more reason to shop downtown and to buy local. It is my privilege to know most of the men and women who own and operate these new businesses. They believe in our beloved community. This is why they were willing to invest their family's time and treasure in their business and in the area. 

What you may not realize is how you, too, are connected to these business owners and operators. They are your neighbors. Their children attend your neighborhood schools. They support your favorite charities. They pay taxes that help fund our city's police officers and fire fighters. After the great flood this summer, they helped rebuild our treasured hiking trails. They are a part of our community.

The Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce helps to highlight these grand opening celebrations to draw our community's attention to these new businesses. We invite the public and our Chamber Ambassadors to join us at these ribbon cuttings.  We herald the opening of these member businesses in our publications. We gladly do these things to help the women and men that have placed it all on the line to get their business off to a strong start.

At these celebrations, I am often afforded the honor to meet the families of these business owners. Family members, three and four generations deep, often attend the festivities - excited toddlers, proud parents and grandparents are all an integral part of each business. Again, these are our neighbors. They contribute to our downtown in many beautiful and necessary ways. These new businesses are supporting families and growing our community.

Their success is our success. So, let's support them in a way, and to an extent, that illustrates to them that we are glad they chose our Zenith City on the Hill to stake their claim. By doing so, we will lift up one business and one family at a time.

In support,  

David Signature

posted by David Ross at

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