David's Blog

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Duluth Recovery Assistance

I understand it is a challenging time for those of us negatively affected by the recent flooding. Understandably, your immediate attention is likely focused on minimizing the negative impact of the flood damage.  

Yet, I encourage you to take the time necessary to fully document the extent of the flood damage, both physically and related to an interruption to your operations. This includes: lost revenues, the expense of cleanup, the replacement of inventory or equipment and negative impact of employee absences.  

Please consider the benefit of completing and submitting the attached documentation from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). Please do so as soon as possible. DEED needs the information by Monday, July 2. Information related to this effort can be accessed at the state's website www.MinnesotaRecovers.org under the heading "Northeast Minnesota Flooding Recovery." 

The information you provide will assist DEED in establishing a database of affected businesses. It will also enable the appropriate personnel to follow-up with you and determine what existing services may be useful to you. Additionally, is will allow DEED to apply for assistance from applicable State and Federal agencies. Click here to read more about disaster recovery. 

State officials also encourage you to contact your local Emergency Manager for additional information and assistance. This person can be reached at:

St. Louis County   218.625.3966
City of Duluth        218.730.4390
Lake County         218.226.4444
Carlton County      218.384.9518
Aitkin County        218.927.7436
Cook County         218.387.3059
Fond du Lac Band of Ojibwe   218.878.7502

My colleagues at the Chamber and I are committed to assisting you during this challenging time. Please continue to use us as a resource as you rebuild and regroup from the recent flood.  

There is no education like adversity. - Benjamin Disraeli

In support,

posted by David Ross at

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Changing Chamber

People change. Organizations, relationships and roles concurrently change. A change has occurred within the Chamber in recent years. I hope you have noticed it. We are advocating for collaboration and avoiding needless confrontation. Our Chamber believes the most effective way to move the Duluth area business community forward is to partner for success.

Over 80 events are hosted annually by the Duluth Area Chamber, achieving our goal to "facilitate interaction among business, government, education, labor and the greater community," as indicated in our vision statement. Additional objectives include optimistic phrases such as: "coalition building," "advocating for the community," and "support community initiatives lead by other organizations."
 The annual Duluth & St. Louis County at the Capitol event, along with the monthly FORVMs both demonstrate our strong advocacy for our region.

In addition to our 80+ events, the Chamber has consistently and successfully reached out to others in a sincere effort to uplift those who work and live within this beloved community we call Duluth. The Chamber is committed to advocating for and championing ideas, beliefs and causes that will strengthen our community one business and one job at a time. Our annual Leadership Duluth program immerses emerging leaders into community-building organizations, familiarizing them with our area's needs.

We are also for thoughtful economic development that will enhance our community. This includes nurturing economic environment wherein persons can offer and earn attractive wages and benefits. Likewise, we promote efforts within our community that will make Duluth a more attractive home for existing residents and a more compelling destination for future employers and residents. For example, Fuse Duluth, the Chamber's young professionals organization, connects young professionals to our community through networking, education, and discussion on issues that matter to the demographic. Our Chamber also greatly supports Mayor Don Ness' "90 by 20" initiative, aiming at increasing Duluth's population from 86,000 residents to 90,000 residents by the year 2020.

 Thankfully, a new day is dawning in Duluth wherein an increasing number of community members recognize and applaud any individual and any organization that is willing to adapt to the emerging environment. We are encouraged by the positive response generated by our community building efforts. Our Chamber membership base continues to expand. Volunteerism within the Chamber is at a record high. We are together building coalitions that strengthen our relationships with others and, in doing so, strengthen our community.

 I am abundantly optimistic regarding our Shining City Upon the Hill. It is an ideal time to be a Duluthian. More of us are internalizing that we are the ones our predecessors have been waiting for. Now is the time to make our collective voice heard in support of positive change.

 In support,

posted by David Ross at

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